Tuesday, December 9, 2008


For the Henkel Square event I began formatting Vicki Betts' Texas newspaper transcriptions into newspaper type sheets. It was requested that I continue the job for the rest of the war years. I have on my webpage March - December 1860; 1861 will be up soon. The sheets can be found at http://www.geocities.com/txcwcivilian/Henkel_herald.html

I have the different years broken out to their own pages. On the individual year pages are listings of the different papers represented with links to any Handbook of Texas articles on the paper. Under each month is a list of some of the headlines in that edition. (Yes, I do have a life, but I really enjoy doing this.)

Vicki's transcriptions of all the papers she has worked with can be found at http://www.uttyler.edu/vbetts/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Annette. I didn't know there were new ones. Have fun at the ball!!!