My thoughts, experiences and activities regarding Civil War era civilian living history.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Ballgown Begins

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Dress form done
Duct Tape Dress Form
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Corset workshop, Gettysburg PA
I arrived at the airport Thursday morning to find out my flight was delayed; even a short delay would have messed up my connections. So I ask what they can do to ensure I get into Harrisburg that night. I love Continental; they got me on another airline where I sat in first class to Chicago, then to Harrisburg in Economy Plus (more leg room). Nancy had already made it to Harrisburg but her luggage didn't. Nancy picked me up at the airport and we went back to the Sheridan in Harrisburg. Since Nancy had to retrieve her luggage the next morning and I came in late, staying in Harrisburg was the best solution.
Friday morning we took a very leisurely time of it; didn't leave the hotel until about 11:00 after Nancy picked up her luggage at the airport. We then headed toward Gettysburg and Needle and Thread. The drive was great, everything so green, little roadways through the woods, I loved it. Found some great stuff and N&T; picked up some polished cotton, cotton viole, another cotton

Sunday was the final day. We started putting everything together, the reinforcing stays on the side cup, the reinforcing cording on the cup. Finally around 4:00 it was time to lace and get the final fitting and we were done.
That night we were beat. We stopped and had dinner at an Irish pub in Harrisburg, went by the airport to see if I could get an earlier flight out and then back to the first hotel we stayed at near the airport.
Nancy had a 6:00 a.m. on Monday so she left really early Monday morning. I lounged, enjoyed the down time until it was time to leave the hotel room and go to the airport. No surprises on these flights, no upgrades. I got home about 11:00 p.m.
I love my new corset and really want to go back to take another of Carolann's workshops. But this weekend has marked the beginning of a really active time for me. Now with the new corset I need to start sewing for various events coming up, alter other dresses already done, get Henkel Square together, begin writing my presentation for March and sew my conference dress and ball gown. This is going to be a very busy 9 months or so.
Other photos are available at http://www.dotphoto.com/go.asp?l=netnet81&SID=253090&Show=Y&p=