I have not yet finished the redo of the blue plaid--just need to redo the sleeves--and I'm already planning my next dress. When I first started participating in living history, oh who am I fooling, at the time it was reenacting, I made up a "mourning" outfit, complete with the huge black felt sutler's bonnet. Well the bonnet met it's demise years ago, but the dress held on. I took it apart several months ago and put the fabric away; there is enough there to do another, with maybe a slightly smaller skirt.
I have always admired this dress as I don't really want a full blown mourning dress, just a black one. I have some silk velvet that would be lovely.
Then I saw this one.
But quickly realize there was not enough fabric for the flounces and the sleeves. So back to dress number 1, which I have admired for years...until I saw this one...
Madame Gambart by Louis-Edouard Dubufe Letchworth Museum and Art Gallery Date painted: 1862 Oil on canvas, 129 x 91.5 cm Collection: Letchworth Museum and Art Gallery |
OMG! Yes, this is it!! So off to finish the plaid as I would love to have this dress for the Harrisburg Conference dinner in March, which means finishing it by the middle of February. Stay tuned!