This year at the
Civilian Symposium in Harrisburg there will be a fancy dress party. This is basically a masquerade party with or without masks. Since my life has been so unsettled the last few months I really hadn't thought about making another outfit. But then I had an epiphany. A matador, stylize. I went looking for pictures of 19th century matadors and found paintings, original jackets and a ballerina.
My costume will include a bolero type jacket, a chemisette I already have, and a skirt the length of my hoop rather than pants. Similar to this costume.
Now keep in mind this will be a costume, not something I will wear regularly in living history so I am not willing to spend the money I normally would on my living history dresses. My fabrics are not natural fibers. Originally I thought to use gimp to add simple designs to solid fabric. But then found a brocade that imitates the fancier fabrics of the jacket and side of the pants.
I plan to use the gold colored gimp to add a bit more dimension to the brocade. The yellow will be the front and back of the skirt and cape, the red of course will line the cape and a cummerbund, with the brocade as the sides of the skirt and jacket. I also have black fabric for the hat and will add a black silk bow tie similar to the ballerina above.
My purist historian is balking at using these fabrics but I really am looking forward to putting this together; it should be fun!