I have waited so long to be able to attend this event. The participants staying in the house are limited and those who have been before get first right of refusal to stay on the property. It can take some time on the waiting list to get in, but it is worth the wait! This is the type of event we all dream of - period building, few intrusions - period moments abound.
Welbourne is in Middleburg Va., Loudon County, horse country. It is beautiful! The drive down from Pennsylvania was very nice with all the trees in full Fall color, and the weather was perfect.
The house was originally built in the 18th
century and added on through the years and remains in the same family.
It is also on the National Register and the land is under a conservation
easement. The house serves as a bed and breakfast on a regular basis.
organizer of the event requested little or no photos so I tried to
abide by the rules and personally have very few photos; however several others did take photos and
Jim Pfeiffer was on hand to take tin types. You can find links to the various collections at the end of this post.

I arrived on Friday evening although several had been at the site since Thursday. My roommate for the weekend arrived at the same time and we were shown to our room. We stayed on the second floor and shared a bed, being good friends that wasn't an issue. We quickly changed as dinner was just about ready.
During dinner, I think, we maintained first person very well. We discussed our experiences through the war and what the future might hold.
At this event we were lucky enough to have two wonderful African American interpreters, Cheney McKnight and Anita Henderson. Cheney cooked lunch and dinner for us and Anita served. The food was wonderful and period.
Tin type by Jim Pfeiffer |
Saturday evening after dinner we sat in the parlor and talked, read jokes and other pieces and had Pimms. I had never had Pimms and now I think I'm addicted. There was also a piano in the house so I attempted to play a bit. I need a keyboard again and practice!

Saturday was my first full day at the event. Breakfast was cooked and
served by the bed and breakfast staff and was very good, a full American
breakfast. After breakfast I sat with some of the other Pennsylvania
ladies for a tin type on the porch. We were all in our wrappers. Jim
also made a group tin type and I had my own done.
Tin type by Jim Pfeiffer | | |
After photos I spent some time making a sewing box. As usual, though, I didn't finish it. It would make a great conference workshop, so I'm researching the design for how period it is. It came from a modern book on Victorian projects but it did not have any documentation on it's use during the period. It's a cute little box though.
One of the activities for the weekend for the weekend was a Friendship Album. These were popular during the mid-19th century and included verses or little tokens. We hope to continue this into the next years' events and have a record of our event.

Later in the afternoon some of us went to visit the horses. Welbourne also serves as a retirement ranch for horses. We brought apples and they were a bit skittish at first, then they realize we had apples and they wouldn't leave us alone.

I also played more piano and enjoyed tea on the porch.
Dinner was great!
After dinner we had some entertainment in the parlor with a play from a ladies' magazine and other readings.
We made it an early night though after such a packed day.
Sunday was a laid back day. After breakfast there was a prayer service.
Following the church we had a reenactment of Garner Peters and Scrivington's return. Garner Peters was a slave who left his owner during the war and taking a prized horse, Scrivington. After sometime, Peters decided to return and brought the horse back with him. It was quite an event at the time.
Many of us then took carriage rides.

After the rides everyone began packing up and leaving. It was a great weekend! Jessica Craig does a wondrous job organizing these events! I can't say enough for her knowledge and thoughtfulness in providing
us such amazing events in which to play. Eagerly looking forward to the
next ones!
Additional photos can be found in various places throughout Facebook; here are a few links:
Day one,
Day two,
Day three