Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ballgown Fabric on the way

If you have shopped through Fashion Fabrics Club at all you know that sometimes your order doesn't get filled as they sell out so quickly of their good deals. Well I'm one of the lucky ones this time; I received an email that the butter yellow silk faile I ordered (see previous post) has been shipped!! Whoo hoo! I was really sweating this one.

When I called yesterday to check the person on the phone said that the computer was telling her "yes" for my order put coming up also "sold out" and she couldn't tell me for sure that my order would be filled. So this sent me on a search of a possible alternative, but all's well that ends well.

I ordered enough of the fabric for the ball gown as well as a bonnet; I think it will make a stunning drawn bonnet.

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